$10 - Blu-Ray Aquarium Footage

OOoooooo Doggies, is this a fun one. I was walking around in Sam's Club with real particular purpose and I saw this. I grabbed it. I put it back. I continued to think about it. I grabbed it again. And finally I bought it, thus completing the stupid purchase. What a piece of crap. Who am I to think I can turn my $$$$$ TV into a $ Fish tank?


  1. If I had a blue-ray player I would totally buy it off of you.

  2. hahaha. are we still using bri bri's tv?

  3. oh I guess you hadn't heard. No I bought a new Plasma TV right after you left. Impulse buy yes, but stupid purchase no. At least I don't feel so yet.

  4. I think this post might be due for a sequel.
